Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday 16th October 2009

Dad has lost his teeth.
I've looked everywhere you'd expect and loads of places you wouldn't.
He has no idea what he does with some things and we find things in the freezer, the bread in the microwave and nappies (dirty) hidden in drawers (on one occasion we found one up the garden, hidden)! God knows what we will do if they don't turn up, he can't eat properly without them and I don't know if a dentist would still have his records as he had all his teeth out over 40 years ago. The only thing he doesn't lose are his sweets! He'll have to suck them. I think we should buy shares in Werthers Originals he eats so many.
We have had only two washloads today and the carers have turned up which is a result for the weekend. One of the carers was new but she managed to get him in the shower which was brilliant because he knows when he can get away with playing up.
I took the dog up on the downs for a while. There is an ancient barrow (bronze age) near the bonfire site and I stood up on the top of it and tried to feel the vibrations of history. No such luck but I made a few wishes anyway.

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