Friday, October 9, 2009

Today began well, dad got up, showered and dressed all by 9.00 am - Bliss.
When he returned at 4.00 he seemed quite bright but there was bit of a pong. I ignored it and hoped the carer would arrive to change his pad, soon...
"When are we going to the cinema" he said.
"I didn't know we were" I replied.
"Well I don't mind if we do or don't"
The care office rang, not coming!
I could have said "shit" but it didn't seem appropriate.
Dad got up and wandered towards the downstairs loo. I asked him to take off his pad if it was dirty and leave it in the loo for me to clear away.
OK he said. I was encouraged, we were having a sensible conversation and he was understanding the situation.
OK, I asked when he came out. No, not really he replied.
"Where is your pad?" I asked,
"In there" he waved vaguely towards the loo.
"You haven't put it down the loo, have you?"
He was indignant at this slur on his capabilities
"Are you clean?" I asked innocently.
"Not really".
I asked him to go upstairs and use the moist wipes specifically for this purpose. He came downstairs with a towel round his middle, unclean I sensed.
Half an hour later he is still there and refusing to move. There is an old poem about Sussex people who won't be druv and my dad is a perfect example of that mentality.
The nappy is missing, it could be anywhere. I retired to my bedroom defeated. I'll wait for M to come home and deal with it.

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